Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where are you?

Can you sit on a throne?
Can you mark time alone?
Can you be by yourself?
And wait on the shelf?

Can you keep your head up?
Is your spirit alive?
Can you feel good inside?
While you look like deprived?

Can you make a good fight?
Can you do what is right?
Can you refuse to go along?
With the same old songs.

What do you know?
Where have you been?
Who have you served?
Besides your own kin.

Can you think for yourself?
Are your ideas your own?
Can you hold to your opinion?
Or you wait for the Evening edition?

Must we always be perfect?
And always correct?
Can't we be a little human?
And have som e defects.

Its no mistake we're down the drain.
It's all become a very big pain.
We forget what's acceptable in the main,
And sweep away all that's sane.

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